slowly coming out of the geek closet

way too much energy

...if you like that kind of stuff.


Tuesday, September 25, 2001 stomach hurts. I can't believe Justine owes you guys $65. Yikes. I would if I could, but I can't so I won't sponsor you...I'm Broke Asian Girl, remember? Sorry. :(
Hey I want to volunteer at the hospital. Too bad I don't have time. I need like 10 hours to finish last years and about 12 for this year. Oh btw, Joe, if you're wondering..Kevin didn't ask me last night.
Argh. I'm 90% sure that I won't going to Homecoming. You know where to go to find my reasons. Sigh.
--annie! @ 6:38 PM

Monday, September 24, 2001

Argh Joe! How'd you know I have this big idiotic grin on my face, eh?! EH?!?! Whatever. Now I'm so embarassed. Hahaha. Kevin is so adorable! Like, I picture him as a lil gentlemen...except in thuggish clothes. Weird mental image, I know. Heh.

Man..I was born in the WRONG year and I live in the WRONG freaking town!!!!!!!!!!! >=(
--annie! @ 8:31 PM

Sunday, September 23, 2001

annie, wanna see da funniest convo [in my opinion, =Þ]

me: u goin with emily?
me: hehe
kevin: hahaha
kevin: naw...
kevin: shez going with edwin
kevin: i asked too late!
kevin: nigga!
kevin: lol
kevin: now..i duno who to ask
me: hehe
kevin: buh i kinda wana ask justines cuzin
kevin: LOL
me: hahahaha
kevin: heh....shez pretty!!!!!
kevin: lol
kevin: thatd be crazy if she said YEA

LoLz, datz kevin hwu. annie... u definitely should come to skoo in arcadia, LoLz. pretend i didn't say anythin tho! wen annie readz dis... shez probably all happy -- yea... get dat smirk off ur face =Þ g2g now! bai!
--MiStA @ 10:46 PM

hi! watz up? i've been a busy lil boy lately, so i can't post. seemz lyke annie is pretty busy herself. justine has a funny post. haha, everyone dat meetz annie in arcadia dinkz shez cute/hot. haha, annie has so many fans in arcadia. annie, u should jus come here. hehehe, anywayz, annie, wanna sponsor me in mah cross country jog-a-thon? justine did... $1 per lap... and i ran... 31 lapz! yea! thank u justine! ur da best! buh den phillip ran 34 lapz... so justine is givin him more $$ =( darn... well, anyway... i'm really exhausted rite now so i won't write much. it was pretty funny while we were runnin today tho cuz dere was a football game goin on, and we were jus runnin around on da track lyke a bunch of idiots for an hour. lyke half da football game was over and we were still runnin. hehehe, well, i guess i'm gonna go to sleep or somethin now. post somethin annie! have fun doin hw justine =P. datz wat u get for not payin attention to wat da hw was earlier. oh yea! justine, wanna train me at da hospital? hehehe, i still have no idea wat to do. respond plz! welpz, gonna go now, bai! btw, arcadia sux at football, hehe.
--MiStA @ 12:21 AM

Saturday, September 22, 2001

oh annNIEEEEEEE!!! at the football game last night, you know how i introduced you to some of the guys there.. and one of them was kevin lian [another kevin, NOT the person you so-call "matt"].. he was the guy who was wearing the "H2O POLO" beanie.. anyway.. i was talking to him today at the car wash [at which i got really tanned (compared to what color i was before) and i got a flip-flops tan (lol)], and he was like, "hey you know your cousin from tc?".. i was like, "yeah, what about her?".. he said, "what's her name?".. i said, "annie.".. he said, "oooooH YEAH!".. i said, "why?".. he was like *smiling* and said, "she's cute!".. hahaaaaaa.. ok, :oD.. and he has a girlfriend, so i wasn't really supposed to say anything.. so neither of you say ANYHTING! hehe.. ok, well.. talk to you soon, miss door monitor!. lol, cya at school joe.
--Justine @ 9:36 PM

Saturday, September 15, 2001

Ahahaha, Joe...welcome to the world that is high school, it sucks!! I slept everyday last year during health because I was so tired (remember?! when we used stay up chatting until like 2 am? haha) Once I fell asleep during a movie in Social Studies, and I was so screwed, there was a worksheet on the video and I was like, "Wha?" Yep, I was screwed.

Hey guess what? I actually like this year so far. My classes are okay, except for English and Spanish. My English teacher intimidates me. My Spanish teacher thinks we're in Kindergarten. Honestly...want examples? We have little name cards that we put on our desks and I'm the door monitor. Door monitor!?

Right...Justine, I don't like William anymore. Wee!
--annie! @ 12:28 PM

Friday, September 14, 2001

i would light a candle, except i dun have one... =( well, anyway, itz justine dat sleepz at 9:30, not me. i sleep at lyke... 3 or 4. hehe, and i have to get to school by 6:30! (lyke 2 timez a week). i was sleepin in history today cuz we had a sub and we were watchin a video. i hope we dun get tested on da stuff on da video, or else i'm screwed. i'm hungry. i must go eat my in-n-out now. =Þ bai!
--MiStA @ 7:45 PM

Sheesh. You guys memorize fast. Meh. I'm a phone-phobe, so...that's my excuse.

I'm lighting a candle in front of my house at 7 for WTC. Are any of you?

I wore my awesome plaid pants today. I love those things. Several other people do too. Several other people also thought I was weird. Boo to them. School is...meh. It's okay. Choreo performed today. Oy, we sucked. Download "The Little Things" by Good Charlote. The part where they go, "When we made the baseball team, and they still laughed at us...[background] You still SUCK!" That's what I felt like today. I mean, no one laughed at us or anything, but we looked so bad. Ew.

You guys sleep at 9:30?! How can you manage that?! I sleep at around 11!! And I have to be at school by 7:15!!!!
I'm so tired too, kiddies.
--annie! @ 6:17 PM

Thursday, September 13, 2001

hi! i'm back! hehehe, been sorta busy with so much hw lately so i couldn't blog. anywayz, watz up? hope none of u had any relativez/fwendz in ny... if u do, i hope they're ok. justine, i thought ur cell phone # was 673-4764... errr... i dink i memorized it wrong... oh wellz, i g2g now. must eat dinner and go finish hw and sleep b4 4 AM today! hehe, i slept only to hourz last night cuz i got home at 8 from cross country even though i left class at 1:20 to go to da meet. i'm so tired.....
--MiStA @ 7:08 PM

Wednesday, September 12, 2001

up late, doing homework.. and blah.. i know, its like only 10:30, but i've been sleeping at like 9:30-ish lately. heehee, how surprising. =) o-KAY, i blogged.. whatever happened to joe? jooooooooooooooooeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! haha, hey annie.. i found a way to memorize my cell phone number!! (673-4674). it's 67, 34, 67, 4.. OoO haha. ok, good night!!!! (hw. =(.. )
--Justine @ 10:25 PM

Friday, September 07, 2001

C'mon c'mon..someone come online or SOMETHING. I'm so bored. I mean, I have tons of things to do:
1) cover my dumb books
2) figure out when I'm going to need which books, and when I'll have time to stop at my locker
3) wash the lunch dishes (pwahahaha)
4) there is no number 4

--annie! @ 1:55 PM

Thursday, September 06, 2001 two are so cute. Don't worry about high school! You guys will do fine, trust me. on the other hand...I'm so stressed. *cries* I'm dreading this year. Why? I don't know. sigh.
Okay..since you started school today, I expect a FULL report of what happened, yea? Mmm...I woke up at 10 am this morning. I'm going to squeeze out every drop of fun I can until school starts on Tuesday. Argh..
--annie! @ 11:35 AM

Tuesday, September 04, 2001

oh-kay.. like this whole retarded retards blog is like.. dead! *sigh* i'm scared of high school! i still don't know who i'm gonna hang out with.. hehe.. and i don't know where everyone's going to be.. hm, joe: did you get your schedule changed? i think i'm sticking with orchestra for the benefit of the cool people in it and BOC camp. =D anyway, i haven't blogged in so long.. but at least i'm still here.. joe like disappeared again. oh well.. school starts on thursday.. oh poo
--Justine @ 5:00 PM