slowly coming out of the geek closet

way too much energy

...if you like that kind of stuff.


Tuesday, November 18, 2003

today i am going to talk to you about cars. car accidents actually. see, i know four people who got into minor car accidents over the weekend, and they all complained so incredibly much about their cars, that i wanted to tell them to shut up. but, being the too nice person that i am, i decided to tell that to the general public, so that those four people (whose names shall be unmentioned) won't feel as if i'm singling them out. don't get me wrong, i'm not like that. i just thought you should see my point of view on what exactly you SHOULD talk about instead of just, "oh, my car got scratched!!"

ok, so to start: WHO CARES IF YOUR CAR GOT SCRATCHED!? how superficial can you get? for goodness's sake, thank God first that it was your car and not you who got hurt. and the price of your car? sure it will go down, but if you ever decide to sell it, hey, the people will be getting what they pay for. it's just a little scratch anyway. what can that do to the performance of your car? i mean, if your car can still safely get you from point A to point B, you are completely fine. NO ONE CARES IF YOUR CAR GOT SCRATCHED. you are only being stupid if you complain about how much it will cost to have a paint job done because.. again, it's JUST A SCRATCH. why don't you just make another scratch on the other side of your car so that it'll be symmetrical? that's just as stupid as saying, oh i think i'm going to redo the whole thing because of this stupid scratch that only i know about and that i probably induced. for goodness's sake...

moving on, for the people who complain because someone else hit them. again, thank God first you are okay. you only have a right to complain if you have AT LEAST a neck injury. if its just another scratch or a dent on your car... wow, what can it do? you don't have to be a complete bunghole about it and complain to the person who hit you and make him or her pay for "all the damage." what damage? it's just a dent. it's just a scratch. again, if your car can get you from A to B... you know my point. aside from that, i'm sure the person who hit you didn't do it on purpose. why else would it be called a car ACCIDENT? by repeating to them what they did to your car, you are only being repetitive and annoying. DUH, the person knows what they did wrong, and i'm sure they feel just as bad, so you don't have to make their lives miserable. besides, they'll only try to argue back if they're just as stupid as you.

next, for the people who are at fault. come on, JUST ADMIT IT! YOU WERE WRONG. when the person you hit starts an argument, take the initiative to stop it. just say that you're sorry beacuse you knew you were wrong. don't try to come up with points on your side to refute their arguments. that's only going to make matters worse. what's it good to you anyway? you're going to end up feeling guilty in the end for lying. and if you don't, you're not human.

now, for those who mess up their own car by running into the curb, stop sign, tree, etc... what can i say. you are an idiot.
--Justine @ 3:35 PM