ANNIE slowly coming out of the geek closet
JUSTINE way too much energy
ARCHIVES ...if you like that kind of stuff.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Congratulations to Eric for making it onto the retardsss blog:
er icch ang: wait er icch ang: wahts xnag update er icch ang: more cat pictures er icch ang: ? er icch ang: cause if not er icch ang: not worht time er icch ang: confused er icch ang: what are you er icch ang: more cat pictures please er icch ang: nm er icch ang: i remember now er icch ang: annie told me er icch ang: what you are er icch ang: a while back
Yeah, that made no fucking sense.--Justine @ 12:25 PM
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Dear Annie,
This weekend while you were away...
1) I found another kitten tooth. 2) Christine rode her bike over, and it started raining, so she left her bike here, and I drove her home. So her bike is still here. 3) I returned about $80 worth of stuff at Ikea. 4) I rearranged the furniture in our living room, which now looks like (kitten optional):
 5) I put up the wooden knobby hanging device in our closet, and one of the whiteboards in the non-existent hallway to our bathroom. 6) I quoted you on the other whiteboard. 7) My family came over, my mom sat on your chair, and my grandmas drew on our big whiteboards. 8) We have a lot of whiteboards.
Extremely behind schedule on homework, but nonetheless yours,--Justine @ 9:49 PM
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Dear Annie,
Today, we found out that kittens actually lose their baby teeth! We don't know who's tooth we found, but it's so small and cute, and it's now sitting in a container on the shelf over my desk. Wee! Annie, we're weird for wanting to collect them.
So, anyway, fellow JP Morgan Chase account holder. What the fuck was that all about? And do we still get $0.03 for every debit card swipe?
I hope you're liking UCSD so far. I still can't wait to live life with you for the next couple of years even though we're already here! And I do have to ask you to start getting used to the scent of my Ginger Whipped Body Soufflé because, honnay, I have 3 vats of it.
Gingerly yours,--Justine @ 9:11 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Dear Annie,
I took our kittens Winnie and Dame Maggie Smith Minerva McGonogall to the veterinarian to get their first of the FELV shots. They are now 4 months and 3 days old! Winnie weighs 4.03 lbs, and Maggie weighs 4.08 lbs.
Yesterday, I went to PETCO to get a free bottle of catnip bubbles (which they're scared of at this age) and some more canned food (since the Wellness we ordered hasn't arrived yet). And of course, I looked at all the pet carriers they had there. Again. I left really unsettled with the fact that all the decent ones were really expensive. The PetMate tent-like one we saw at SuperPets was $89 at PETCO. What a rip!
But then... Paul gave me the most brilliant of all brilliant ideas ever: make your own. Why didn't the hell we think of that before!? Well, at least I didn't.
So this morning, I rushed to CVS to buy a cute duffle bag that I'd seen there before, though I think our definitions of "cute" may differ a bit, but - too bad! And a matching mesh laundry bag. I had enough time to make them one window in the duffle bag before I got way too excited and started carrying them around the house with it. And then I took them to the veterinarian.
Winnie seemed to think it was a good idea. I hope.

Scoozy for the blurry kitteh. Twas not my fault.
Excitedly yours,--Justine @ 12:13 PM
Friday, September 19, 2008
Dear Annie,
You moved down to San Diego yesterday. Into our apartment. Our apartment. I can't believe after all this time, I'm finally able to say, "I'm living with my cousin, my best friend, my soul mate!" Okay, maybe not that dramatic, but still. ANNIE, I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M GOING TO BE SHARING AN APARTMENT WITH YOU! Never thought it would be in La Jolla, but whatever. I'll take what I can get. (Squeals.)
This morning, I got this text message from you: "Um, grocery shopping fail: we now have 2 loaves of bread and 3 jars of peanut butter." I just about died gasping for air when I read that. LOL.
It's okay, we'll just eat peanut butter sandwiches for a month.
Lovingly yours,--Justine @ 2:01 PM
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
REVIVE. for the millionth +1 time.--annie! @ 8:59 AM
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
REVIVE. for the millionth time.--Justine @ 7:01 PM