ANNIE slowly coming out of the geek closet
JUSTINE way too much energy
ARCHIVES ...if you like that kind of stuff.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
SADIES was freaking tight!!

If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you made me smile, the entire sky would be in the palm of my hand.--Justine @ 11:06 PM
Monday, March 21, 2005
OH-my-freakin'.. I'm laughing hysterically because I just remembered that when we went to camp one year, we found whitening gum, and we actually spread it across our front teeth.
HAHAHAHAHA.--Justine @ 9:58 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
A stupid party will never replace the fun we have! It all started with HAIKUS. We were mere babes then... oh, for old time's sake: on diaryland, we'd compose short poems of our debauchery.
I miss this. Let's work together this summer hopefully mmkay. Summer 2000, redux.--annie! @ 6:06 PM
Saturday, March 19, 2005
ANNIE!!! This reminds us of the good old freakin days. Whatever happened to us!? Have we lost our innocent childhood? Man, I remember when this site first launched. It was WAY back. WAY back with fellow José, and that was when Xanga, Friendster, MySpace, and FaceBook were uncool and unheard of. I miss this. I miss this very much. And I miss you.
I just called you, and your sister said you were out. I presume that you are out partying again. Haha. I hope you're having fun. I love you!--Justine @ 7:07 PM