ANNIE slowly coming out of the geek closet
JUSTINE way too much energy
ARCHIVES ...if you like that kind of stuff.
Monday, April 25, 2005
annie: i took a nap today and woke up finding my mom lying down next to me. uh, weird!? she told me to tell her what was "in my heart (literally translated from mandarin)," or what was on my mind (in plain english). anyway, i couldn't bring myself to tell her that i really don't want to go to college. i had the perfect opportunity too. i think i'm just afraid that if i tell her now, she still has all the time in the world to somehow change my mind, and i don't want her to change my mind. sigh.
she asked me if you've helped me decide where to go to college and shtuff. she asked if you've somehow encouraged me to join you at pcc, which would explain the reason i'm white-failing chemistry. i just told her that you'd want me at ucsd because it'd give you reason to be there. my mom just laughed.
gah, what do i do!?--Justine @ 11:36 PM
Thursday, April 21, 2005
mmmkay. now we have comments. how exciting our lives are now! sometimes the comment counter is off, but that's the server's fault not mine. okay thanks bitches.
 i just remembered: steen's in san francisco. oh well.--annie! @ 11:55 PM
Sunday, April 17, 2005
hey bitch, timmy suggested that we allow people to comment on our entries.--Justine @ 12:36 PM
hmm. so let's update this more. gosh.--annie! @ 1:09 AM
Friday, April 08, 2005
i'm in arizona! yay! but i wish i was going to sd with you too, in more ways than one. ugh.--annie! @ 8:46 AM